Efficiently distribute vaccines. Help save lives.
Smartsheet can help you with your biggest rollout yet.
Operationalize vaccine distribution with these free templates
Vaccination Site Launch Plans
Helps you manage dozens of new vaccination site projects simultaneously by standardizing intake, execution, and reporting.
Get startedVaccination Site Requests
Enables you to respond quickly and effectively to incoming requests from organizations petitioning to become vaccine administration sites.
Get startedVaccine Allocation Requests
Allows you to manage, track, and visualize vaccine dose requests and dose supply allocation across multiple sites.
Get startedVaccination Tracking
Helps you manage dozens of new vaccination site projects simultaneously by standardizing intake, execution, and reporting.
Get startedSmartsheet Premium Apps help you scale your operations
Premium Apps extend the Smartsheet platform with enterprise connectivity and advanced data management.
Disclaimer: the Vaccination Tracking template set is designed for Smartsheet customers on an enterprise or premier plan who have executed Smartsheet’s Business Associate Agreement (BAA) and adhere to the Smartsheet HIPAA Implementation Guide. If you are not a current Enterprise customer, or are not sure if your organization has executed a BAA, please visit the Smartsheet for Healthcare page and submit the form to get connected with one of our specialists.