Maximize your project and portfolio performance

Smartsheet Modern PPM is a flexible, collaborative solution that empowers anyone to build, standardize, and scale projects to deliver value.

Simplify your project and portfolio management

Smartsheet Modern PPM is a flexible, collaborative solution that empowers anyone to build, standardize, and scale projects to deliver value.

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Smartsheet is #1 in G2’s Project & Portfolio Software Grid

As voted on by your peers:

✔ 95% of users rated Smartsheet 4 or 5 stars
✔ 97% of users are satisfied with Smartsheet PPM, the highest score among competitors

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Trusted by 90% of Fortune 100 Companies

Smartsheet is #1 in G2's Project & Portfolio Management Software Grid

As voted on by your peers:

✔ 100% of users are satisfied with the Smartsheet PPM solution, the highest score among competitors

✔ 98% of users rated Smartsheet 4 or 5 stars

Focus on what matters most

Use on-demand data analysis and automated reporting to prioritize work, identify trade-offs, and make dynamic decisions. 

Standardize and simplify project portfolio execution

Strike the right balance between top-down and bottom-up portfolio management approaches. Achieve project consistency without sacrificing end-user experience or team innovation.

See how it works

Request a live demo to discover how Smartsheet project and portfolio management tools can revolutionize your workflow.

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Deliver portfolio value at scale

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Streamline project intake

Create a single funnel for all incoming project requests, scope projects, assess cost/benefit, and prioritize, all in one place.


Automate to keep things moving

Reduce manual efforts with automated workflows across all PPM jobs-to-be-done – from demand intake, prioritization, governance, project setup, resource management, monitoring, and KPI reporting.


Provide visibility for everyone

Roll up status and curate key metrics by role to ensure stakeholders have real-time visibility on status, resource utilization, dependencies, and value realization.

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Set your team up for success

Communicate vision and goals, prioritize work, clarify roles and outcomes, and empower your team to deliver their best with Smartsheet Modern PPM.

Demand Management

Scale projects to programs, portfolios

Use our portfolio optimization capabilities to increase the manageability of your project portfolios. Effortlessly scale your processes across multiple projects while maintaining strong governance with pre-built blueprints that you can deploy in seconds.

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Get started fast

Increase time-to-value by getting started with one of the templates or template sets within the Smartsheet Solution Center. The customizable templates help jumpstart your team’s productivity across a variety of tasks.

We’re actually managing 30% more projects with the same number of project managers as we were before we implemented Smartsheet.

Michael Ghrist, IT Account Manager for Commercial Operations


Smartsheet integrates with the systems you already use, allowing information to seamlessly flow between them and reducing the need to switch between tools.