
Collaboration is key to success during these demanding times

by Laura Jenkins

The Australian healthcare sector has never experienced such profound disruption than in the past 18 months. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to grip the country, healthcare organisations are faced with increasingly complex situations on top of the usual demands, all while doing their best to maintain quality care and positive patient experiences.

The pandemic paved the way for rapid acceleration and adoption of digital health technologies, highlighting technology-driven initiatives are more important than ever. In fact, 77% of healthcare leaders reported predictive technologies, such as automation, as their top digital health technology of choice for further investment. 

As public health challenges evolve, so should the way in which healthcare is delivered – from prevention through to diagnosis and treatment. With 81% of healthcare professionals believing digital technologies could reduce their workloads, collaborative technologies that enable communication and care delivery are vital to a successful future.

For global health solution provider Aspen Medical, implementing a cloud-based collaboration platform freed the team from the grips of administrative processes to focus on the delivery of five-star care.

Dynamic situations call for dynamic solutions

The National Primary Health Care Strategy identified that Australia’s health system currently faces challenges due to an ageing population, delivery of remote services, coordination of service planning coupled with pressure from the COVID-19 pandemic. As the demands of healthcare become increasingly specialised and care teams more crowded, collaboration is more important than ever. In fact, 37% of healthcare leaders report driving efficiencies as a top priority.

If the systems in place are not able to meet demands at the best of times, it’s time to consider a more dynamic approach. For healthcare, the potential benefits from technology presents an opportunity to enhance capacity to handle ever-evolving patient needs.

Finding software that provides the right capabilities for your organisation without being overly complicated is key. For Aspen Medical, Smartsheet was the answer. Details of staff training, supplies, procedures, and regulatory compliance can now be managed accurately, efficiently, and with ease. Smartsheet is also easy to access from virtually any location, so for staff who frequently work from remote areas, everything is accessible via the mobile app. Smartsheet has enabled Aspen Medical to get the important details right and communicate them across the world in real time.

On the growth trajectory

Healthcare is Australia’s largest and fastest growing sector. The last decade has seen healthcare become the country’s largest employer and it continues to grow at pace.  This can open the door to various issues and unforeseen costs. Without the correct systems in place, the sector could quickly become a victim of its own success.

Organisations must ensure their solutions are optimised for the demands that a growing team brings.

With Smartsheet, Aspen Medical can now manage all HR demands, from staff onboarding operations management to insurance, from a single source. Information can be captured and sorted with ease, without searching through a folder full of documents or reconciling multiple versions of the same information.

Modern healthcare is a team effort and, like any strong team, relies on a foundation of collaboration. In an industry where every second counts, the right tools allow providers to effectively deliver services to where they are most needed. 

With Smartsheet, Aspen Medical was able to truly leverage the power of collaboration to ensure smooth processes, ultimately reducing admin tasks and maximising time for patient care. Because at the end of the day, healthcare professionals should be able to provide quality services no matter the circumstances.


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