
Leading with Pride: Smartsheet achieves 100% on the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index

by Amelia Ransom

November 30, 2023

At Smartsheet, we embrace authenticity. We know we are able to achieve more because of the unique strengths inherent in our diverse workforce. We are committed to maintaining an equitable and inclusive environment that nurtures growth and allows people to do work that really matters. Today we are proud to announce that we have been named a leader in LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion and received the Equality 100 Award, scoring 100% on the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) Corporate Equality Index.

The Corporate Equality Index evaluates corporate policies and practices pertaining to LGBTQ+ workplace equality. Published annually by the HRC, the index examines a wide range of criteria, including non-discrimination policies, benefits for LGBTQ+ employees and their families, organizational competency and accountability, public commitment to LGBTQ+ equality, and corporate social responsibility. It serves as a resource both for corporations seeking to enhance their diversity and inclusion initiatives as well as for prospective employees seeking a company that shares their values.

 “We want employees to feel encouraged to show up as their authentic selves. We also know that we need to earn their trust. This score is one way we measure our culture to ensure we are able to support employees who do choose to show up authentically.” -Amelia R., VP, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Smartsheet

The Rainbow Collab, an employee resource group (ERG) here at Smartsheet for LGBTQ+ employees and allies, set the goal to be named a leader in LGBTQ+ Workplace Inclusion in 2022. ERG leadership felt strongly that earning this recognition could help demonstrate that Smartsheet employees genuinely feel safe and supported to show up authentically. “When I first joined the board for The Rainbow Collab, we wanted to highlight Smartsheet publically as a company where LGBTQ employees feel accepted and safe to show up authentically,” says Emily S., Director, Product Management at Smartsheet. “Getting us listed in the HRC Equality Index was an obvious way to accomplish that goal. I'm really grateful that Smartsheet was already ahead of the curve with inclusive benefits for same-sex partners and clear stances on discrimination. I feel blessed to work for a company with a culture that appreciates and respects people from varied walks of life.” 

“Before joining Smartsheet, I spent a long time worrying about whether my next job would accept me for being gay. The HRC Corporate Equality Index was an invaluable resource for me during that time. Achieving certification demonstrates Smartsheet's commitment to diversity and inclusion as a core strength, and it fosters a sense of belonging for people like me. I am incredibly proud that we are on the Index and even more proud that we earned a perfect score. Congratulations to Smartsheet for its unwavering commitment to diversity and equity!” –Andy S., Senior Manager, Solutions Engineering, and The Rainbow Collab Board Member

The ERG partnered closely with our People and Culture team to review and document inclusive policies and benefits, and to create an LGBTQ+ Benefits Guide and a Best Practices for Employees Transitioning at Smartsheet to better support our colleagues. In addition, Smartsheet demonstrates an enterprise-wide, sustained commitment to diversity and cultural competency through regular internal training and accountability programs, including required anti-harassment training for all employees, specialized training for managers, and unconscious bias and intersectionality training. 

The ERG also has ongoing engagement with the greater LGBTQ+ community through dedicated recruitment and philanthropic efforts and partnerships with Out in Tech and Lesbians Who Tech. Additionally, The Rainbow Collab offers philanthropic support to Stonewall Housing and Mermaids UK, in addition to sponsoring the 2023 Pride Parade in San Jose, Costa Rica.

“The list means a lot to me personally,” says Mary Ashley G., Manager, Talent Operations at Smartsheet and co-chair of The Rainbow Collab. “Many of our members have come out at work, and their voices and experiences have shaped how Smartsheet approaches benefits, recruiting, and talent development programs.” 

This recognition is an acknowledgment of our unwavering commitment to fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace. Our dedication also extends beyond the office, as we continue our participation in and sponsorship of Pride parades worldwide, celebrating diversity and equality in every corner of the globe. Smartsheet plans on continuing to foster ongoing relationships with LGBTQ+ serving organizations, such as our participation in Out in Tech's Qorporate Partner Program, and providing philanthropic support for LGBTQ+ organizations for Giving Tuesday.

“It’s easy for companies to say they value diversity, equity, and inclusion, but it's more important to ensure the documentation and framework is there to support sustained change,” says Mary Ashley G. “Leading this initiative was one of the highlights of the year. Seeing the way our teams rallied around the report, and introduced new resources to better support our employees while working in lockstep with our ERG reinforced that I made the right decision to join years prior, and that others from the LGBTQ+ community will be safe and welcomed here too. I’m proud of Smartsheet’s commitment to supporting the LGBTQ+ community and look forward to continuing our impact into the new year.”

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Human Rights Campaign and to The Rainbow Collab, whose passion and dedication have propelled us forward to this achievement. Together, we will continue championing inclusivity, driving positive change, and shaping a future where diversity is not just embraced but celebrated. Thank you for being part of this remarkable journey with us.

“The energy you spend trying to disguise your true self each day can be exhausting. This energy can be better used in constructive ways. As a Smartsheet employee, I am not only happy about our participation in the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index, I am proud.” -Steve T., Sr. Manager, Sales Operations at Smartsheet

Read the full report