
Timeline View: Customize Whether Bar Titles Are Fully Visible or Truncated and See Who is Collaborating with You in Your Sheets

by Product Marketing

June 27, 2024

We’re pleased to share two announcements today.

First we’re pleased to announce that users can now specify whether or not bar titles are fully visible or are truncated to match the length of the bar on timeline view. There are three options to choose from in the new toolbar button: no text overflow past bar, partial text overflow past bar, and full text overflow past bar. Users can set their preference on timeline view in each sheet.

This new feature enhances the view’s readability and allows users to tailor the vertical density of timeline to meet their needs. Each user can:

  • Choose to display the full title of bars (allowing text to extend past bars) to make it easier to find information and read their timeline, without needing to hover over each item individually to see its full name.
  • Choose to truncate titles so they fit within bars in order to produce a denser timeline that is easier to scan.

Secondly, we’re pleased to share that users can now see the presence of other collaborators viewing the same sheet, regardless of which view they are using in the upper right corner next to the share button. Hovering over each user tile provides more information about them, such as their name and contact info. This enhancement ensures a more connected and efficient workflow by allowing teams to easily identify and communicate with collaborators working on the same sheet. The presence of facepile enables:

  • Team members can see who else is working on the same sheet, fostering better communication and coordination.

  • By hovering over user tiles, collaborators can quickly access contact information, making it easier to reach out with questions or updates.

  • Knowing who is viewing the same sheet helps avoid duplicated efforts and ensures everyone is on the same page.

Environments availability: Commercial US, Commercial EU

Plan type availability: Business, Enterprise