
Why visibility is the key to successful construction projects

by Laura Jenkins

Lessons Learnt Series: TRUE Projects is saving around 30% time in data management. This plus more on creating best practices around transparency.

Construction companies are constantly juggling a myriad of projects at any given time - meaning visibility and transparency are critical in this balancing act. In fact, an industry journal found a lack of transparency in construction planning and control leads to communication issues on-site, poor process orientation, unsafe working conditions and high levels of waste. In short, visibility can make or break a project.

Historically, the construction industry has been slow on the uptake of technology with organisations often relying on legacy systems not set up for cohesive working.  To foster a culture of collaboration, improve communications and share data seamlessly, it’s essential to hold transparency at the very core of your business.

For Australian construction company, TRUE Projects, using project management technology such as Smartsheet provides a birds eye view across all projects - leading with trust every step of the way.

Transparency through technology

Construction projects involve a mix of stakeholders - from builders and subcontractors to suppliers to project owners -  working across different locations. According to KMPG, only 46% of projects are delivered with stakeholder satisfaction. Investing in collaboration tools can lead to more effective use of data -  which could mean the difference between projects staying on-schedule and on-budget ultimately meeting stakeholder expectations.

The best way to manage all expectations is of course, leading with visibility from the get-go. To make this a reality, organisations need a system that is easily accessible, adaptable, and truly transparent throughout the design and build process. Being cloud-based and mobile ready allows all teams to access Smartsheet from anywhere and connects all workflows, from design through to construction on-site, allowing data to flow seamlessly.

Implementing a centralised management system can ensure data is less liable to human error and cut down time spent in each tool. For example TRUE Projects saves around 30% time in data management and 15% on data entry for the sales and projects teams.

A single source of truth

While implementing any form of management software may make the lift of project work lighter, dedicated construction software doesn’t always allow for a holistic view across all business operations or integrate with existing tools. A study by JB Knowledge found that over 20% of construction firms have to use multiple apps and nearly 30% find their software doesn’t integrate.

Achieving 360-degree, real-time visibility across all departments, from construction to sales and marketing is paramount to avoiding disruption throughout a project’s life cycle.  

For TRUE Projects, transforming the way its departments communicate and how information is delivered to clients have been the key to ensuring consistency across all activity. With Smartsheet, it is possible to transfer information across departments without lifting a finger. The team can now run the entire business with the confidence of having a single source of truth. 

It comes as no surprise that 45% of construction companies report that a lack of visibility across projects is a top challenge. Ultimately, to ensure construction projects stay on track, transparency is essential. Without it, projects will suffer. 

With the transparency offered by using Smartsheet across the whole business, TRUE Projects has increased efficiency and saves time by operating from a central system. This means the team can focus on serving its customers with a truly excellent design and build experience. 

With Smartsheet – the enterprise platform for dynamic work – you can make the move to more efficient project management today with our 30-day free trial that comes with access to many pre-structured and customisable templates. Streamline your projects by following these best practices to increase consistency, from project initiation to completion.