We’ve compiled the most useful free vendor registration forms for conferences and other events, including those for companies, individual vendors, and subcontractors. Plus, learn why these forms are vital for a successful event.

Included on this page, you'll find many helpful vendor registration forms, including a vendor registration form, a vendor booth registration form, a sample vendor registration form, and an explanation of vendor registration forms.

Vendor Registration Form Template

Vendor Registration Form Template

Use this simple vendor registration form template to register vendors for an event or conference. Enter vendor company contact information, company overview (e.g., general description of goods and services), banking information, and certification information to verify the information is accurate. Customize the template by adding a company logo. This vendor registration form template is suitable for internal vendor documentation purposes or as a vendor application form. 

Download Vendor Registration Form Template

Excel | Word | PDF | Smartsheet

For details on vendor onboarding, see “How to Streamline Supplier and Vendor Onboarding: Best Practices, Process Flows, and Checklists.”

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Vendor Booth Registration Form

Vendor Booth Registration Form Template

Keep track of every vendor’s booth requests and registration specifications with this easy-to-use vendor booth registration form. This form provides space to enter the name and details of the exhibiting vendor, booth location preference, and payment method. This reusable template is available in Word and PDF formats, and as a Google Docs template that you can easily save to your Google Drive account and share with others. 

Download Vendor Booth Registration Form 

Word | Google Docs | PDF

Event Vendor Registration Form

Event Vendor Registration Form Template

Use this event-specific vendor registration form to register vendors for specific events. Simply complete the easy-to-fill company contact, company overview, and banking information details. This form also includes a certification section (name, title, signature, and date) for vendors to confirm that all supplied information is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge. Upload your company’s logo and send this form to vendors, or allow vendors to upload their logo when submitting their event registrations.

Download Event Vendor Registration Form 

Excel | Word | PDF  | Smartsheet

Company Vendor Registration Form

Company Vendor Registration Form Template

Use this streamlined company vendor registration form to register vendors for trade shows, conferences, or other events. This customizable template includes sections for trade category, contact and company information, and any related notes. Keep vendor registration simple and organized with this efficient template. 

Download Company Vendor Registration Form

 Word | Google Sheets | PDF

Approved Vendor Registration List

Approved Vendor Registration List Template

Keep a master list of approved vendors for your event, conference, or festival at your fingertips with this easy-to-reference approved vendor registration list. This template includes columns for vendor ID, vendor name, contact name, and contact information, as well as space for any additional comments. Eliminate paper shuffling when trying to track down a single vendor’s information with this single-source, sortable, approved vendor registration list. 

Download Approved Vendor Registration List  

Excel | Word | PDF | Google Sheets

Subcontractor Vendor Registration Form

Subcontractor Vendor Registration Form Template

When registering subcontractor vendors, it’s crucial to collect their specific details. As subcontractors complete specialized work for companies and contractors on a contractual basis, they need to provide licensing details (if applicable), organization affiliations, certifications, and references in their vendor registrations. Use this all-inclusive subcontractor vendor registration form to capture all the pertinent details.

Download Subcontractor Vendor Registration Form 

Word | PDF | Google Docs

Sample Vendor Registration Form

Sample Vendor Registration Form Template

This sample vendor registration form comes with pre-filled example data for reference. Event coordinators or registrants can replace the existing content with unique, vendor-specific registration details. Enter company contact, company overview, banking information, and certification sign-off to register for an event or conference. Upload a logo to personalize this easily fillable vendor registration form.

Download Sample Vendor Registration Form 

Word | Google Docs | PDF  | Smartsheet

What Is a Vendor Registration Form?

A vendor registration form includes vendor names, contact information, banking information (if applicable), the products or services provided by the vendor, and a certification section that verifies the information on the form is true and accurate. 

Vendor registration forms are crucial to gathering accurate vendor information for an event. By gathering vendor registration information, you can keep all vendor-specific details organized, up-to-date, and readily available. Without a process to record precise vendor-registration information, your attendees might miss out on valuable offerings or the opportunity to establish productive and long-lasting relationships with vendors. 

For details on developing vendor relationships, see “Vendor Management 101: The Definitive Guide to Managing Vendor Relationships.”

Streamline Vendor Registration Form Collection with Smartsheet Forms

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