Connected User default view

Smartsheet Plan Insights

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Connected User Reporting

Available only for system administrators, Connected User Reporting provides additional insight into the stakeholders at your organization who have used Smartsheet - and how Smartsheet calculates your organization’s connected users - to support ongoing oversight and account management.


Data on display

Licensed User Count

Number of current users with paid, assigned licenses that can create, own, and administer tasks or projects within your Smartsheet plan.

Internal Collaborator Count

Internal users who have interacted with a plan's assets in the past 365 days while authenticated using the company's domain or subdomain. 

Does not include licensed users.

Previously Licensed Users

Users who were previously licensed in the past 365 days that no longer interact with your plan’s sheets, reports, or other assets. 

Does not include licensed users or internal collaborators.  

Total Connected Users

The sum of licensed users, internal collaborators, and previously licensed users. This number represents all users at your organization that are authenticated and interact with a Smartsheet object.

Connected User Report Download

Connected User Report download

For a more detailed dive into individual users, you can generate your Connected User Report, which provides specific data on each connected user linked with your account.