Protocol Review and Approval

Universities host thousands of clinical trials each year, but before sponsors can start working in a lab or recruiting patients, they need to go through the protocol review and approval process. To counter a traditionally opaque and siloed process, the Smartsheet solution for protocol review and approval enables providers to manage, track, and quickly report out on the status of clinical trial applications.

Centralize new protocol request submissions

Smartsheet forms make it easy for departments to submit protocol requests. Manage incoming requests in a single sheet so that you can determine what’s required of each request and prioritize accordingly.

Increase speed to approval

Smartsheet automation makes it easy to seamlessly pass protocols from one stakeholder to the next, ensuring that manual error isn’t the reason for approval delay. Plus, dashboards show how long protocols remain with each department.

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Increase speed to approval

Smartsheet automation makes it easy to seamlessly pass protocols from one stakeholder to the next, ensuring that manual error isn’t the reason for approval delay. Plus, dashboards show how long protocols remain with each department.

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Track departmental bandwidth and increase pipeline

With visibility into which departments are leading which trials, you can quickly glean who has the bandwidth to take on a new trial.

Manage, track, and report on the protocol review processes for university clinical trials

Smartsheet Work Execution Platform

Proven methodology

The Smartsheet solution for protocol review and approval enables providers and project managers to build custom project plans based on proven industry best practices. As hurdles emerge or processes change, teams can quickly adapt their unique solution to keep up with the rate of change. 

Smartsheet Work Execution Platform

Operational velocity

Clinical trial sponsors and project managers can easily provision and configure an entire protocol review and approval process for all the various therapeutic areas from a central console. Your team will work with Smartsheet to implement your pre-configured solution in as few as 30-days. 

Smartsheet Work Execution Platform

Visibility, consistency, and scale

With the Smartsheet solution for protocol review and approval, project managers have a consistent way to collect and respond to protocol requests, display and act on critical data in real time with easy-to-configure dashboards, and deploy changes to all sheets, reports, and dashboards created from a blueprint.