24/7 global phone, email & live chat agent support
First response time within two hours, regardless of case origin
Smartsheet University on-demand eLearning
Pro Desk guided coaching sessions
Premium Support Package benefits
Faster access to support
Connect with technical experts quickly through global phone, email, & live chat agent support. Experience priority support with a first response time of two hours or less, regardless of case origin (i.e., call center / email / live chat).
Enterprise grade support
Know that support is there for you 24/7 in times of need, and Smartsheet guarantees a first response in two hours or less.
Pro Desk expert guidance & coaching
Sign up for our popular product coaching sessions with our product experts at Pro Desk. Topics include the onboarding, set-up, and customization of your Smartsheet capabilities.
Learn at your own pace, and earn badges along the way. Get access to a growing library of e-learning courses designed to help you become proficient in Smartsheet.
We're committed to your success with the Smartsheet platform
Efficient growth
Build a foundation for success with guided coaching from Smartsheet product experts.
Peace of mind
Take advantage of 24/7 issue resolution as you put Smartsheet capabilities to work for your team.
Success multiplier
Deepen your product knowledge with on-demand classes that work with your schedule.
What sets [Smartsheet] apart is the customer support, and our ability to have a liaison work with our company to help train, answer questions, and get each of our teammates to use the tool to the best of its capabilities. To me, it’s a partnership; it’s special, and that’s what keeps me wanting to work with Smartsheet.