Free Job Proposal Templates

By Kate Eby | November 2, 2017

Proactive job seekers can use a job proposal to show businesses how they can meet their needs. A job proposal is typically a brief document that identifies an issue within an organization and describes how the skills and experience of the job seeker can help to resolve it. The job seeker may be proposing a new position or submitting something closer to a cover letter, in which they make the case for a company to hire them for an open position. You may also use a job proposal internally as a method for creating a new position within a department. A job proposal is similar to a project proposal, which you submit to prospective sponsors or clients in order to receive funding or project approval.

Below are several free job proposal templates for Microsoft Excel and Word, as well as for PDF. You’ll find a range of options, from a construction template to an internship proposal. You can customize all of them, and then print or share online. These templates are designed to look professional and save time so that you can focus on crafting an effective job proposal.

Job Proposal Templates for Excel

Job Estimate Template

Job Estimate Template

Create a job bid proposal template with itemized costs and automatic calculations for materials, labor, and other expenses. Use this template as an estimate when submitting a proposal or as a billing invoice once you’ve completed the work. There are signature lines for authorization, as well as a tracking number at the top for reference.

Download Job Estimate Template

Excel  | Smartsheet

Job Proposal Form Template


Job Proposal Form Template

Reduce the chances of making an error on your job proposal by using a preformatted form template. This form is intentionally brief, but you can be expand it to include additional sections as needed. You’ll find space for company information, job details, approvals, and other pertinent information. Modify the template to suit the type of proposal you are submitting.

Download Job Proposal Form Template

Excel    |    PDF

Construction Job Proposal Template


Construction Job Proposal Template

This template is designed for construction projects and includes room to list labor and material costs, details on the scope of a project, and contractor and client information. Depending on the type of construction project, the proposal may need to be comprehensive or may simply need to provide a brief summary of services you’ll provide.

Download Construction Job Proposal Template

Excel  |  PDF

Telecommuting Proposal Template


Telecommuting Proposal Template

This employment proposal template is for an employee within an organization to use to request to telecommute on certain days. Employees can describe the desired changes to their schedule and how telecommuting will benefit the company. There are also sections for describing the employee’s current role and schedule.

Download Telecommuting Proposal Template

Excel  |  PDF

Job Proposal Templates for Word

Blank Job Proposal Template


Blank Job Proposal Template

This blank template provides open space for whatever information you want to include in your job proposal. You can list contact information and other brief job details at the top of the template, and add payment terms, authorization, and proposal acceptance at the bottom. To make your proposal more accessible, add your text to the center of the template in the form of lists or short paragraphs.

Download Blank Job Proposal Template

Word    |    PDF

New Job Proposal Template


New Job Proposal Template

This template offers a simple layout to minimize distraction and increase readability. Propose the creation of a new job within a business by listing the problem or opportunity that the company is facing, how the new position will solve the problem or maximize the opportunity, a detailed description of the job, and what qualifies you for the position. If possible, include any financial impacts that the new job will provide to the company. 

Download New Job Proposal Template

Word    |    PDF

Freelance Job Proposal Template



Freelance Job Proposal Template

Create a comprehensive freelance project proposal that includes an engaging pitch, a proposed timeline with deliverables and other objectives, the cost of services provided, and your qualifications. Add samples of your work to promote the skills and services you have to offer. If you want to use this template as a potential contract, include terms and conditions, and consult with a lawyer to make sure you cover all your bases. 

Download Freelance Job Proposal Template

Word    |    PDF

Job Proposal Templates for PDF

One-page Project Proposal Template


One-Page Project Proposal Template

This project proposal template fits several essential details onto a single page. A project summary provides background and explanation for undertaking the project. Measurable objectives are clear along with the project scope, timeline, and budget. This template can serve as a single page initial proposal that will inform a project charter and more extensive planning.

Download One-page Project Proposal Template

Word    |    PDF

Internship Proposal Template


Internship Proposal Template

Students can use this template to propose an internship opportunity with a business or other organization. Easily list the learning opportunities provided by the internship, academic relevance, the intern’s responsibilities, and relevant experience. Schools or companies could use this form to communicate with students about potential internship plans. 

Download Internship Proposal Template

Excel    |    PDF

How to Write a Job Proposal Template

One of the advantages of using a template to write a job proposal is that you can create a set format to reuse, and then simply tweak the content depending on the expectations of a specific business or prospective client. Reusing a proposal template that has been successful for you in the past may increase your chances of getting a job — just make sure to tailor the proposal for your audience. This attention to detail is especially important for freelancers who may be submitting proposals more frequently. Regardless of the type of job proposal, here are some basic elements that it should include: 

  • Company Needs: Highlight specific issues that a company is facing or objectives it wants to reach so that you can demonstrate how you will help resolve them. You may want to include financial data or other quantifiable factors in order to show measurable impacts on the company. 
  • Your Role: What skills, experience, and expertise will you bring to the company? What role will you play in supporting the business? Describe what you have to offer and how you will fit into a company’s organizational structure or help a client reach desired outcomes.
  • Company Benefits: Show a potential employer or client why hiring you is the best solution to their problems or needs. What will they gain, including financial profits? Explain how they will benefit from what you have to offer.

You may only have one shot to get a proposal in front of the right person. To help ensure that it doesn’t get ignored, keep these tips in mind when creating a job proposal:

  • Keep It Brief: To make an impact, you want to capture your reader’s attention quickly and make sure that key information stands out. If you send a lengthy job proposal full of dense paragraphs, you’re asking prospective clients to spend precious time finding the details that really matter. Don’t omit important information, but make the proposal engaging, to the point, and easy to read. 
  • Be Professional: The tone of a job proposal should be professional and friendly, and offer clients a sense of your reliability and what it would be like to work with you. Depending on the nature of the job or project, you may want to showcase your creativity or organizational skills, but your proposal should fit the standards of your industry and appear professional.
  • Include Samples: To make the case that you are the right person for the job, you may want to attach samples of relevant work. This may not be applicable to all industries or positions, but consider what accomplishments and work examples you can use to showcase your expertise.

Construct a job proposal letter similar to a cover letter and focus on keeping it concise. Aim to immediately grab a reader’s attention and emphasize key details using bullet points rather than long paragraphs.

Manage Job Proposals with Work Management in Smartsheet

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When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time. Try Smartsheet for free, today.




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