Strategic Business Planning

Give your team the best chance to accomplish its goals with a simplified approach for objective setting, KPI tracking and budget planning.

Simplify your business planning processes with Smartsheet

Provide departments with private, easy-to-use portals to submit objectives, forecast expenditure, forecast revenues and request additional headcount. Automatically provide decision-makers with the information they need to plan for the future successfully.


Set and manage objectives and KPIs

Set departmental objectives in-line with the overall business strategy. Outline respective, standardised KPIs for enterprise-wide reporting. Assign ownership and monitor progress against these KPIs throughout the years ahead. Automatically summarise departmental progress to give an enterprise-level view of business performance.

Business planning

Submit cost & revenue forecasts

Submit expenditure and revenue items against the prior year's budget to scrutinise Year-On-Year (YOY) budget line variances. Classify costs as fixed, operational or associate to projects and internal initiatives. Accurately phase the items Month-Over-Month (MoM) for the next twelve months to analyse cash flow. Approve individual lines to give real-time visibility of the department's position. Automatically summarise departmental progress to give an enterprise-level forecast.

Submit new initiative business cases via desktop and mobile devices. Centrally triage and approve requests into next year's budget. Display an approved initiative pipeline for the coming years.

Finance summary

Departmental Summary

Provide a live departmental summary dashboard to monitor progress to completion, net positions and forecasted expenditure across different categories. Surface 'Top 10' requests and variances YoY to help easily scrutinise spending and assist in cost savings.


Set and manage objectives and KPIs

Set departmental objectives in-line with the overall business strategy. Outline respective, standardised KPIs for enterprise-wide reporting. Assign ownership and monitor progress against these KPIs throughout the years ahead. Automatically summarise departmental progress to give an enterprise-level view of business performance.

Business planning

Submit cost & revenue forecasts

Submit expenditure and revenue items against the prior year's budget to scrutinise Year-On-Year (YOY) budget line variances. Classify costs as fixed, operational or associate to projects and internal initiatives. Accurately phase the items Month-Over-Month (MoM) for the next twelve months to analyse cash flow. Approve individual lines to give real-time visibility of the department's position. Automatically summarise departmental progress to give an enterprise-level forecast.

Submit new initiative business cases via desktop and mobile devices. Centrally triage and approve requests into next year's budget. Display an approved initiative pipeline for the coming years.

Finance summary

Departmental Summary

Provide a live departmental summary dashboard to monitor progress to completion, net positions and forecasted expenditure across different categories. Surface 'Top 10' requests and variances YoY to help easily scrutinise spending and assist in cost savings.

Dashboard exec summary

Executive Overview

Provide a live organisation-wide summary dashboard to monitor department metrics such as progress to completion, YoY revenue, YoY costs and net positions. Easily navigate to the department summary dashboards to drill down into the data.

Connect to BI tools such as Power BI to further interrogate the data set. Link these dashboards back into Smartsheet to view all outputs in one place.

Dashboard exec summary

Executive Overview

Provide a live organisation-wide summary dashboard to monitor department metrics such as progress to completion, YoY revenue, YoY costs and net positions. Easily navigate to the department summary dashboards to drill down into the data.

Connect to BI tools such as Power BI to further interrogate the data set. Link these dashboards back into Smartsheet to view all outputs in one place.

Key Features


How to get it:

Contact Invoka Consulting to learn more about business planning with Smartsheet.