Streamlined Capital Expenditure Request (CER) & Approval System

By AMX Germany GmbH

Efficient Smartsheet solution streamlining multi-tier approvals, ensuring consensus from all approvers while enhancing efficiency, control, and transparency with automation.

Efficient CapEx management with streamlined approvals

This solution enhances efficiency and transparency in capital expenditure approvals. Leveraging Smartsheet, approvers can seamlessly review requests, request more info, approve, or decline expenditures. The multi-tier chain ensures thorough review and informed decisions.

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A CER is registered with help of a form

The process begins with registering a request through a form on CER - Request Dashboard.

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Assignment of Approvers as per the Database

After submitting the form the first approver will receive a request according to the approval flow recorded in workflow database where you can update the names of Approvers in the chain. Also approvers are assigned automatically using DataMesh.

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Approvers can request additional information 

The first update request asks the Approver if they have all the information to Approve or Reject the CER.

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Based on the available information approver can Accept or Decline the CER.

If more information is required then the requestor enters additional information via Dynamic view on Dashboard and then Approver gets a request again to review the information before getting a request to Approve or Decline the CER. After the 1st approver has Approved the request next Approver in the chain gets assigned and same process is followed again.

Efficient Smartsheet solution streamlining multi-tier approvals, ensuring consensus from all approvers while enhancing efficiency, control, and transparency with automation.

How to get it:

Contact AMX to learn more about using Smartsheet at its full efficiency.