14 Ready-to-Use Meeting Agenda Examples With Templates

By Andy Marker | November 5, 2024

Meeting agendas can be tailored to meet any specific situation. We’ve partnered with experts to round up the top examples of meeting agendas, with a downloadable template for each, advice from professionals, and key meeting agenda elements.

Included in this article, you’ll find the following:

Examples of Different Meeting Agendas

The following examples of meeting agendas show how to organize different types of meetings, such as staff meetings, board meetings, daily Scrums, formal meetings, and retrospectives. Each example highlights the key parts and best practices for each type, making it easier to apply in real situations.

Templates are a great way to organize your agenda, ensure you cover all important topics, and keep meetings on track. That’s why each example is available for download as a fully customizable template.

Team Meeting Agenda

Team meetings require a focus on collaboration, progress updates, and addressing roadblocks. In this example of a November team meeting, the agenda creator assigns key roles such as the minute-taker and timekeeper upfront, while structuring action items with specific terms, descriptions, and participants. Next, they break down the meeting into actionable sections — such as reviewing action items and proposing agenda items for the next meeting — with time allocations for each segment to keep the meeting on track.

Team Meeting Agenda Example

Download a Sample Team Meeting Agenda Template for
Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  PowerPoint  | Google Docs

For more resources to help you plan your next team meeting, see this roundup of team meeting templates.

Staff Meeting Agenda

Staff meetings require a focus on team updates and administrative announcements. In this sample staff meeting agenda, the user adds schedule items such as action item reports, administrative updates, and a review of the previous week, with specific time allocations for each. The meeting begins with a roll call and a welcome, followed by housekeeping, training, and a review of unfinished business. This template can also serve as a department meeting agenda, making it a versatile resource.

Staff Meeting Agenda

Download an Example Staff Meeting Agenda Template for
Microsoft Word  | Google Docs

For other formats and tools, such as a slide template and a sign-in sheet, see these staff meeting agenda templates.

Board Meeting Agenda

Board meetings typically follow a more formal structure, focusing on strategic decisions and high-level reports. This board meeting agenda example features key information (such as the meeting chair), scribe, and required supporting documents (such as previous minutes and proposals). It also lists agenda items such as executive and financial director reports, review and approval of minutes, and new business, ensuring a focused and productive discussion. Additionally, this agenda features space for approval signatures from both the board chair and sub-chair.

Board Meeting Agenda Template

Download a Board Meeting Agenda Template With Sample Data for
Microsoft Word  | Google Docs

Board meetings are crucial for setting organizational strategy. For more resources and information, see this collection of board meeting agenda templates.

Business Meeting Agenda

Business meetings follow a formal structure and require clear roles. In this example of a meeting at the beginning of Q3, the objectives appear in a linear fashion, from reviewing sales numbers from Q2 to making an action plan for Q3. Each objective has its own time slot to keep the meeting on track.

Business Meeting Agenda Template

Download an Example Business Meeting Agenda Template for
Microsoft Word  | Smartsheet

Formal Meeting Agenda

Formal meetings benefit from clearly defined roles and a structured schedule to ensure a professional atmosphere. This formal meeting agenda example begins with the meeting’s objective and type listed at the top, alongside essential details such as time, date, and location. It includes clear agenda items, covering elements such as the call to order, introductions, approval of prior meeting minutes, reports, main motions, and adjournment. These elements support the meeting’s formal tone and purpose. Additionally, the agenda includes space for the meeting organizer to list observers, resources, or special notes.

Formal Meeting Agenda Template

Download a Formal Meeting Agenda Template With Sample Data for
Microsoft Word  | Smartsheet

Simple Meeting Agenda

Simple meetings require a flexible but organized approach to agenda items and attendees. In this simple meeting agenda example for a meeting concerning an upcoming office move, the meeting organizer has listed essential roles such as the facilitator, minute-taker, and timekeeper, along with all other attendees. It also includes items that attendees need to read prior to the meeting and materials they should bring. Agenda items, such as assigning seats in the new office and designating action items for each employee, are organized in chronological order, with responsibilities assigned to specific individuals for clarity and accountability.

Simple Meeting Agenda Template

Download the Simple Meeting Agenda Template With Sample Data for Microsoft Word

For other free meeting agenda resources, see these free meeting agenda templates for Microsoft Word.

Project Steering Committee Meeting

Project steering committee meetings are useful for keeping a project on track and ensuring accountability. In this example agenda, the project manager and meeting chair outline the meeting’s purpose clearly below the meeting details. This agenda is split up into sections: opening/welcome, approval of previous meeting minutes, project status update, key discussion topics, stakeholder communication, other business, and action items. The project status update is crucial for addressing any roadblocks, while the stakeholder communication section ensures that there is time to discuss stakeholder updates and feedback.

Project Steering Committee Agenda

Download an Example Project Steering Committee Agenda Template for
Excel  |  Microsoft Word

Project Planning Meeting Agenda

First and foremost, project planning meetings should focus on action items. In this example agenda for a project planning meeting titled “True Crime Time Podcast,” the facilitator lists attendees, meeting details, agenda items, and presenters, with time slots for each item on the right. Each agenda item is organized with subsections to maintain clarity. For instance, under the agenda item for defining podcast roles, there are subsections for discussion, such as assigning people to each role and addressing questions about roles. The facilitator also assigns action items and sets deadlines as part of the agenda to keep the project moving forward.

Project Planning Meeting Agenda Example

Download a Sample Project Planning Meeting Agenda Template for
Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  PowerPoint  | Google Docs

Project managers spend a lot of time in meetings. For resources to help keep your meetings efficient and productive, see these project management meeting agenda templates.

Basic Project Meeting Agenda

Basic project meetings could be any structured meeting where teams review progress, address immediate needs, and set clear next steps. In this agenda example titled “Project Valley View,” the facilitator has outlined agenda topics such as reviewing new and prior action items. They also added the names of discussion leaders and relevant discussion points in columns to the right. At the bottom of the agenda, the facilitator includes details for scheduling the next meeting, specifying the date and location.

Basic Project Meeting Agenda

Download an Example Basic Project Meeting Agenda Template for
Excel  |  Microsoft Word  | Google Docs

Basic Daily Scrum Meeting Agenda

Basic daily Scrum meetings, or daily stand-ups, help team members quickly share progress and address obstacles. In this example of a basic daily Scrum meeting agenda, the facilitator updates key project information in the top-right corner, including the start date, progress percentage, and attendees. Next, they organize Scrum task cards into columns such as Backlog, To-Do, In-Progress, Testing, and Complete, with each card representing a task. The facilitator can assign each task to team members by adding icons with employee initials directly on the cards.

Basic Scrum Meeting Template

Download an Example Basic Scrum Meeting Template for
Excel  | Google Sheets

Client Meeting Agenda

Client meetings involve bringing in external stakeholders and often require attendees to review documents beforehand. In this example agenda for an influencer client meeting, each attendee’s role is listed next to their name. The meeting leader has set the meeting objective to focus on renewing the client contract, with both the old and the new contract documents listed for review ahead of time. Agenda items include introductions, reviewing engagement and sales numbers, discussing contract terms, and assigning action items.

Client Meeting Agenda Template

Download an Example Client Meeting Agenda Template for
Microsoft Word  |  Excel

One-on-One Meeting Agenda

One-on-one meetings are important for aligning on expectations and sharing updates between an employee and a manager. In this example one-on-one meeting agenda between Hilda Wilson and Jamal King, the agenda items include discussions of recent accomplishments, current challenges, upcoming projects, and career development. The example also includes sample questions for each agenda item to guide the conversation. A Notes column on the right allows both participants to capture key information for future reference. 

One-on-One Meeting Agenda Template

Download an Example One-on-One Meeting Agenda Template for
Microsoft Word  |  Excel

Retrospective Meeting Agenda

Teams use retrospective meetings, also called project post-mortems, to review a completed project and identify what worked and what didn’t. In this example agenda for a retrospective on a lip gloss product launch, time slots are organized into clear sections: Welcome, Review, Brainstorm, Prioritize, Action Planning, and Closing. During the review, attendees discuss sales numbers, on-time delivery rate, error rate, and project bottlenecks. For action planning, each attendee is assigned an action item to address issues raised, such as sending out customer feedback forms, coordinating with the factory on quality control, and reaching out to suppliers to prevent supply chain delays.   

Retrospective Meeting Agenda Template

Download the Example Retrospective Agenda Template for Microsoft Word

Learn everything you need to know about running your next retrospective in this guide to conducting the perfect post-mortem.

Leadership Team Meeting Agenda

Leadership team meetings bring department or project heads together to discuss major issues and future goals. In this example agenda of a leadership meeting for the Moviewatcher data analyst team, attendees are listed along with agenda items, which include updates and metrics, issues, brainstorming, action item assignments, and future vision discussion. There are also sample questions for each agenda item to help guide the discussion. In the Updates and Metrics section, each attendee has two minutes to share individualized updates.

Leadership Team Meeting Agenda Template

Download an Example Leadership Team Meeting Agenda Template for
Microsoft Word  |  Excel

Common Elements in All Types of Meeting Agendas

Every meeting agenda should include these elements: who is attending, what will be discussed, and when and where the meeting will happen. It should also list goals, agenda items, and action items or decisions that need to be made.

Here is more information on each of the most common elements of all meeting agendas:

  • Logistics and Attendees: When and where will this meeting take place, and who is attending?
    • Examples: Is the meeting in the conference room or a new location? Is this meeting for the entire staff or a specific team? Is a client or a board member attending?
    • Pro Tips:
      • Include a section at the top of the agenda that names the meeting leader so that questions can be directed to them.
      • Send the agenda in advance to give participants time to make space in their calendars.
  • Objectives: What are the goals of this meeting? Outline what you hope to accomplish in this meeting.
    • Examples: A meeting objective could be a project kickoff to assign roles and action items or a review of Q3 sales numbers to set goals for Q4.
    • Pro Tips:
      • Make your objectives clear and specific enough so that everyone understands what the meeting will cover.
      • Place the objectives near the top of the agenda for easy reference.
  • Agenda Items: These are the topics and items to discuss during the meeting.
    • Examples: Agenda items might include reviewing the last meeting’s minutes, providing discussion and feedback time, or assigning new action items.
    • Pro Tip:
      • Include time for questions to ensure everyone is on the same page.
      • Have someone take notes on the items discussed and decisions made.
  • Action Items: These are tasks or decisions that need to be completed after the meeting.
    • Example: Examples of action items include sending a contract to a client, creating a PowerPoint of sales numbers for the next meeting, or cold calling new leads.
    • Pro Tips:
      • Assign each action item to a specific person, along with a due date and the name of the person they should report to.
      • Ask the minute-taker to send out reminders to everyone assigned action items with all relevant details.

This table demonstrates the different elements needed for each type of meeting agenda.

Meeting Agenda Elements Table

Business Meeting Agenda Outline

Use this business meeting agenda outline to craft your agenda. It includes sections for the date, time, location, meeting title, and attendees, as well as a Topics section with space for notes. Customize the outline to meet your specific needs.

Business Meeting Agenda Outline

Download the Blank Business Meeting Agenda Outline Template for Microsoft Word

Katie Kalafus

Katie Kalafus, Content Writer and Founder of Kalafus Consulting, emphasizes the importance of preparation and communication. “The most important thing is to have an agenda and to share it with enough time for people to review and/or add agenda items so you can prepare,” she says.

Kalafus also suggests making sure the meeting title offers immediate descriptive context for the meeting and providing three to five descriptive bullet points under the main topics in the meeting agenda.

How to Create a Successful Meeting Agenda

Creating a successful meeting agenda can be done in a few easy steps. First, download a meeting agenda template. Next, enter meeting details, such as the time, location, and attendees. Finally, list key agenda items to cover during the meeting.

Emily Golden

According to Emily Golden, CEO and Strategic Talent Advisor for Golden Resources, having a well-defined focus is key. “Every business meeting agenda should have a clear purpose and meeting objective,” she says. “Begin with the end in mind.”

Golden also recommends including a prioritized list of items to cover, clearly defined roles and responsibilities, time for discussion to work through solutions, and clear next steps.

Here is more information on each of the steps of writing an effective meeting agenda:

  1. Download a Template

Simple Meeting Agenda Template

Download the  simple meeting agenda template .

  1. Enter Your Meeting Details

Enter the date, time, and location of the meeting; the attendees; and the meeting leader into the template. Assign a minute-taker to keep track of what happens during the meeting. Be sure to outline any documents, such as contracts or reports, that participants need to review beforehand.

Kalafus recommends considering your audience when crafting your meeting agenda. “Is it a customer meeting, an internal cross-department discussion, a team meeting, or a one-on-one?” she asks. “The type of meeting helps set the tone — whether it should be formal or casual — and determines how much detail to provide upfront. For recurring meetings, having a standing agenda that you update a day or two in advance with specific topics can save time and ensure focus.”

  1. List Agenda Items

Finally, list the agenda items you want to cover in the meeting and provide a brief description of each. Agenda items might include approving a proposal, assigning a new team leader, getting an update from a board member, or allowing time for questions at the end. Be sure to list the name of the person responsible for presenting each agenda item. 

Xavier Morera

Xavier Morera, Founder of Lupo.ai, says that for a successful meeting agenda, prioritization is key. “Items in the agenda should be ordered by priority, starting with the most important ones,” he says. “Focus the agenda on the priority items. It is always possible to roll over less important items to a follow-up meeting.”

He also suggests having an assigned facilitator who can, “keep the meeting on track, make sure everyone has a chance to speak, and help capture key points and action items.” Action items are also key: “Each agenda item should ideally lead to a decision or assign tasks to specific individuals,” he says.

Action Item Worksheet Template

Action Item Worksheet Template

Download the Action Item Worksheet Template form
Microsoft Word  |  Excel

Meeting leaders can fill out this action item worksheet template to distribute after a meeting. Simply customize the tasks for each team member based on the discussion. This ensures everyone is clear on their responsibilities, preventing action items from getting lost in the shuffle.

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