Requirements Management 101: Processes, Plans, and Best Practices

By Joe Weller | July 22, 2022

Learn the essentials of requirements management, including the different types and how to write a management plan. We share the most effective methods and free templates to get you started. 

Included on this page, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to writing a requirements management plan, requirements activities, a sample requirement management plan template, and a comprehensive starter kit.

What Is a Requirement?

A requirement is a single component that is necessary to complete a deliverable. All requirements represent a need, and every product or service includes several requirements.

The internationally recognized business analysis standard, Business Analysis Book of Knowledge (BABOK® Guide), Version 2.0, defines a requirement as follows:  

  1. A condition or capability needed by a stakeholder to solve a problem or achieve an objective.
  2. A condition or capability that must be met or possessed by a solution or solution component to satisfy a contract, standard, specification, or other formally imposed documents.
  3. A documented representation of a condition or capability as in (1) or (2).

An assigned team identifies, gathers, and analyzes a project’s requirements to ensure the project is in line with business goals.

Types of Requirements

There are three primary types of requirements — business requirements, stakeholder requirements, and solution requirements — some of which contain functional and non-functional sub-requirements. Temporary or transitional requirements help to implement process changes.

Types of Requirements

Learn more about each requirement type below:


  • Business Requirements: Business requirements state the problem and the business objectives at a high level, and they help inform how the proposed project will solve the business problem. The team defines the requirements in a business requirements document (BRD).A business requirement might be a process, data necessary for the process, or a business rule influencing that process or data. These requirements align the project goals with the business objects.

    For example, if the company needs to upgrade its IT ticketing software system, the business requirement might state, “Install, implement, train, and migrate existing data into the new system to reduce lost tickets and employee frustration, which is the highest contributor to employee retention issues. Plus, increase efficiency by properly categorizing ticketing priorities to address IT requests based on an urgency.”

    Project documents, such as a project charter or stakeholder analysis, typically include business requirements.
  • Stakeholder Requirements: Also called user requirements or user needs, these requirements detail the activities and elements that users require to interact with the system. First, stakeholders define and share what they expect from the given solution. Then the team describes these in a requirements specification document, citing use cases or user stories.

    The requirement will vary depending on the stakeholder. For example, a customer’s requirement might be, “As a person with a visual impairment, I need the screen text to have a large font size for words to be readable on my device,” whereas an operation’s requirement might be, “The application must maintain internal document security with a password-protected lock for every external download.”
  • Solution Requirements: These requirements reconcile the necessary product characteristics with business and stakeholder needs. There are two types of solution requirements: functional and non-functional. 
  • Functional Requirements: These requirements include tasks a user needs to accomplish their goal within the working system. They describe what features or functions the product needs to be usable, and further distill these functions into specific categories, such as authentication, authorization, transactions, reporting, or compliance.

    For example, the functional requirement might read, “The user receives an automated text after the customer service call confirming the refund transaction was processed.”

    Development teams identify technical requirements as part of the functional requirements. The business analysis or systems analyst prepares a technical requirements document , also called a product requirements document. This document ensures that the product the developers build meets customer needs.

    Other business documents might help you discover and detail the functional requirements, such as a work breakdown structure (WBS), software requirements specifications, or a functional specifications document. They might also be presented visually in models, diagrams, or prototypes.
  • Nonfunctional Requirements: Nonfunctional requirements are the general properties that define the system’s performance. They are also called quality attributes.

    For example, a nonfunctional requirement might read, “Each website page needs to load in under 3 seconds,” or “During peak hours, the website must operate smoothly with up to 100,000 users.” 
  • Transition Requirements: These are the temporary requirements necessary during the implementation of the new system. They are also called implementation requirements.

    For example, a transition requirement might read, “The user must be properly trained with the updated features and functions.” 

Requirements exist throughout the business in the following areas, from the highest-level strategy to the day-to-day operations:

Organizational Area Requirement Types How Requirements Are Used
Strategic planning Business requirement To define business outcomes and benefits
Portfolio Business requirements To connect the strategy to the change portfolio
Program Business requirements To define program scope and success criteria

Business requirements and stakeholder requirements

Solution requirements (nonfunctional and transitional)

To define the project scope and success criteria, and to build and implement a solution


Business requirements and stakeholder requirements

Solution requirements (nonfunctional and transitional)

To define continuous improvement, scope, and success criteria, and to build and implements a solution

What Is Meant by Requirements Management?

Requirements management is the formalized process used to meet customer and stakeholder needs. First, managers and analysts list the needs in a requirements management plan (RMP) document. Then they track and validate each requirement’s progress.

 Effective requirements management planning visualizes, organizes, and communicates a proposed project’s requirements. Typically, a business analyst develops the document, sometimes referred to as a business analysis plan. However, if the company has limited resources, a project or product manager is responsible for collecting, analyzing, refining, and prioritizing the requirements. 

Gerard Blokdyk


Gerard Blokdyk, founder and CEO of The Art of Service, describes requirements management as the way to ensure “your organization assists project members with analysis and evaluation and with the preparation of recommendations for requirements of system improvements, optimization, development, and maintenance efforts.” 

Requirements management is most common in system engineering, but is also part of other disciplines, such as business analysis and project management. Blodijk identifies requirements management in “information systems architecture, networking, telecommunications, automation, communications protocols, electronic analysis, software, lifecycle management, software development methodologies, modeling and simulation, and disaster recovery.”

What Does Requirements Management Involve?

Requirements management involves five activities: collection, analysis, definition, prioritization, and validation. A business analyst leads the team in planning, tracking, and controlling the requirements. Once validated, a requirement might need maintenance or enhancement. 

As the analyst develops and executes the RMP, each requirement goes through the following activities:  

  • Collection: Gather the proposed needs from customers, stakeholders, and internal departments.  
  • Analysis: Review the proposed requirements and determine if they align with the business objectives and product goals. 
  • Definition: Formally document and categorize each requirement. Define “complete” for each requirement.
  • Prioritization: Order requirement execution based on the project schedule, release plan, or sprint.
  • Validation: Track each requirement’s progress through completion and test it to make sure the product meets the client’s needs. 
  • Maintenance: Schedule ongoing improvements or upkeep.  

You can find more detailed examples of what occurs during each activity below. 

Once obtained, it is helpful to itemize the requirement’s actions and deliverables on a checklist template, as in the example below.

Requirements actions and deliverables checklist

Who Is Responsible for Requirements Management?

A project manager or business analyst is responsible for requirements management. They lead a team that gathers the requirements from stakeholders and subject matter experts, and they own all stages of the process, including developing the requirements management plan. 

The primary owner is the business analyst, but teams might also include the following roles and responsibilities:



Project or Product Manager (PM)

Oversee the requirements, processes, people management, and metrics. 

Business Analyst

Gather, analyze, and assemble the requirements and documents into a requirements management plan (RMP). 

Stakeholders and Subject Matter Experts

Brainstorm project requirements. 


Create development-specific requirements. 


Create design-related requirements solutions.


Verify the requirement solutions. 

Change Management Analyst

Assess any organizational changes needed to meet requirements. 

Software Development Management 

Approve the RMP. 


Every member of the requirements team is responsible for communicating updates and requirements changes. Additionally, the RMP document includes sections for details about the following activities, which both support the team’s effectiveness: 

  • Baselining: The team documents baselines as a comparison tool between all or a subset of requirements over a select period. It is used as a common language when communicating changes. This baseline is not a one-time event but a snapshot of a moment. The team develops a baseline strategy by determining baselining guidelines, including the frequency, content, and revisions. 
  • Change Control: This RMP section defines how the team communicates, manages, and controls requirement changes. It identifies the process owners on the change control board and the authorization levels when making changes.

What Is Requirements Management Planning?

Requirements management planning is a repeatable process during which the project team defines the approach and techniques they will use to carry out all requirements-related activities. It occurs during the development stage of the requirements management process. 

During this planning phase, the project manager works with stakeholders and subject matter experts to identify all requirements necessary in the RMP. They use this information to help manage the project scope. Additionally, the designated planners document their approach for identifying stakeholders, collecting artifacts, employing management tools, monitoring requirement progress, controlling changes, and reporting.

What Is in a Requirements Management Plan?

A requirements management plan documents the project team’s approach to collecting, monitoring, and controlling each requirement. It is a reference document that details all approaches and procedures the team will use to execute the requirement management activities. 

Though there is no standard format for an RMP, each document should record the processes and details involved in the following areas: 

  • General Information: Lists the project information and stakeholder roles.
  • Process: Details the collection, analysis, definition, prioritization, validation, and maintenance approach. 
  • Type: Categorizes, names, describes, and defines each requirement. These might also specify sub-categories within the stakeholder, business, and solution requirements, such as delivery, project, quality, or portfolio.   
  • Mapping: Visually models the theoretical requirements to the business objects. This section may have a Requirements Matrix Map (RMM) to display the process, such as a flowchart. 
  • Conventions: Explains the document formats (optional).
  • Owner: Lists each requirement’s responsible party. 
  • Prioritization: Uses criteria to evaluate and determine which requirements to include in an upcoming release or project. This section might rank each with a requirements prioritization matrix.
  • Traceability: Tracks the requirement throughout the product development cycle. 
  • Versioning: Records requirement plan changes and maintains the change history. 
  • Baselining: Captures the stakeholder agreed-upon specifications for a specific product release. Controls any changes to the set specifications. 
  • Communication Strategy: Structures the communication plan, including defining the flow of information, such as what information gets shared, who receives it, and when.
  • Management Tools: Lists additional instruments necessary to monitor and control the project, such as status tracing information or activity references, including requirements change management (RCM).

What Are Requirement Management Activities?

Requirements management activities occur in an ordered process cycle, including gathering, analyzing, defining, and prioritizing each requirement, and ending with requirement validation and maintenance. 

requirements management activities


Below, we’ve defined each activity in more detail.

Gathering Requirements

During this phase, the team talks with stakeholders to determine the requirements, using any of the following methods:  

  • Interviews: During one-on-one or focus group sessions, a facilitator pinpoints the product needs by asking who, what, where, when, why, and how questions.

Here are some example questions: 

  • Who will use this product or feature? 
  • What does the end result look like? 
  • Where does the process start? 
  • When will this feature be used? 
  • How does this product meet the business objectives? 

These questions help the interviewees talk about the product vision and cover all its needs. The team might involve the end user in the product’s design and development, called a joint application development (JAD) method. 

  • Document Review: Draw information from any existing documents pertinent to the project, such as a request for proposal . The team also creates documents, such as questionnaires or surveys, if they do not already exist. 
  • Observations: Team members follow ideal users and study their needs to see how they currently use a product. This also helps determine what features are necessary to improve the product. 
  • Brainstorming: These sessions develop use cases and walk through them together to identify how a user will experience and interact with the product.
  • Interface Analysis: This method determines the requirements necessary for interfacing between the solution and the application. It helps ensure the requirements interact effectively.

Analyze Requirements:

The business analyst employs techniques and software tools to visualize the data through business process models. They understand the sequence of events with open-source Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) software and create charts, such as flowcharts, Gantt charts, and gap analysis using business process model templates. The business analyst also conducts an impact analysis to identify any implications of the proposed changes. They might walk through a use case to realize the end user’s experience with the proposed requirements.

Define Requirements:

The business analyst describes each requirement using the characteristics of a well-defined requirement, as explained below: 

  • Unique: Identifies only one requirement and does not conflict with other requirements. 
  • Specific: Is relevant and current. 
  • Consistent: The descriptors are not in conflict with other requirement descriptors. 
  • Necessary: It is essential for delivery.
  • Understandable: Written in clear, unambiguous language. 
  • Accurate: Identified data and capabilities accurately within a specified percentage. 
  • Testable and Verifiable: Contains verifiable characteristics validated through inspections and analyses. 
  • Feasible: Stays within business costs and technical capabilities. 
  • Traceable: Can be tracked at each stage, from the identification to the delivered product. 
  • Prioritized: In software, identifies which requirements to include in a release. Reduces risk by completing the essential requirements first.

Prioritize Requirements:

The analyst works with stakeholders to order the importance based on the customer needs and the project constraints. The analyst must use people management skills to ensure stakeholders come to a consensus while meeting the strategic business goal. 

Business analysts can ask the following questions, based on the BABOK® 3.0, to help order the requirements: 

  • How will the requirement benefit or provide an advantage to the business (i.e., functionality, quality, business goals)? 
  • What is the opportunity cost if the requirement is not implemented? Consider financial costs, penalties, or customer losses. 
  • Which resources are necessary to implement the requirement? 
  • Can the requirement deliver the expected value? 
  • What is the risk of implementation? 
  • What are the dependencies? Which requirements must be completed before starting this one? 
  • When will the requirement expire? Is it time sensitive? 
  • Will the requirement be easy to maintain once implemented? Will it remain stable? 
  • Do the requirements meet regulations?

Validate and Maintain Requirements:

The team performs checks and tests based on the definition to identify errors, confirm the requirement meets the customer needs, and identify any issues early in the development process. 

Santosh Kumar Reddy Peddireddy and Sri Ram Nidamanuri classify six validation techniques in their study, “​​Requirements Validation Techniques and Factors Influencing Them.” Companies might use one or multiple techniques during the validation process: 

  • Requirement Inspections: A formal requirements review process calls for systemic peer review. The team checks for correctness, completeness, verifiability, feasibility, clarity, and consistency. Testing activities generate a list of the detected issues and actions the team will take for each problem. 
  • Prototyping: The team clarifies ambiguous requirements and system designs early in development by building mockups. They may quickly create an inexpensive prototype, called rapid or throw-away, or an evolutionary prototype that is updated with each issue improvement.  
  • Viewpoint-Oriented Requirement Validation: The team analyzes two competing viewpoints to identify gaps between the two viewpoints. They then reconcile the viewpoints into a single solution. 
  • Testing Based: Using the verifications created in the definition stage, the team designs and conducts tests to reveal errors. Testing occurs early in the development process to reduce costs by identifying defects, incompleteness, and low quality. A good test is effective, timely, efficient, and manageable. 
  • Model Based: Testers trained to develop diagrams from use cases check that the use case descriptions meet user needs. 
  • Feature-Oriented Requirement Validation: Feature validations are either structural or functional, and they note the feature itself and its specified behaviors during validation.  

The team lists any observable issues from the validation tests and creates a maintenance schedule list. After the team executes the listed activities, they might find that some requirements could need multiple versions.

How to Write a Requirements Management Plan

You write a requirements management plan at the same time as the project plan. The team discusses and documents all process-related activities for managing, tracking, and reporting the requirements, as well as strategizes the communication and change management. 

Once the plan is completed, you’ll have answers to the following questions: 

  • Who is the end user for the product or service?
  • Who is responsible for each requirements management activity?
  • What is our approach to identifying, defining, and prioritizing requirements?
  • What is our change management process? How will we communicate changes?
  • How will we track, test, and monitor each requirement? 
  • How will we determine which requirements to include?

The analyst collects and records the information into the requirements management plan, sequenced below. The RMP combines several documents into one location. Attach it to the project plan for larger projects.

  1. Using a requirements management plan template, write the project’s general information, purpose, scope, and stakeholders. Refer to the project charter to find the information. 
  2. Outline the tentative schedule and any document conventions. 
  3. Determine the process the team will use to prepare the RMP. You might need to schedule meetings with the team to discuss the best methods. 
  4. Specify the necessary methods or processes for each requirement activity (gather, analyze, define, prioritize, validate, trace, track, report, and maintain). 
  5. Detail how you will share the information in a communication plan. 
  6. Outline the procedure for requesting changes in a change management plan. 
  7. Determine the authorization levels necessary for any change approvals. 
  8. Attach additional supporting documents that clarify how you will gather, manage, analyze, define, and track the requirements, such as in a work breakdown structure, gap analysis, BPMN, or dashboard, or by using definition criteria. 
  9. Review the document. Confirm the document specifies all procedures for the product or project. Double-check your organizational planning and activities by answering the following questions, provided by Blokdyk: 
  • Are software tools used to improve efficiency in roadmaps, requirements management, and business planning?
  • Look at identifying resource requirements management planning. Does the team have bandwidth to take on the outlined commitments, and will the document help you to make more informed decisions about the activities?
  • Does the RMP define how changes will be identified?
  • Does the RMP indicate that each requirement will be uniquely identified?
  • Does the software group use the allocated requirements as a basis for software plans, work products, and activities?

Once you complete the requirements management plan, share it with stakeholders. That said, don’t assume stakeholders will read the plan. Instead, meet with each group to baseline and agree on the requirements before approval. 

Then put the plan into action. Establish and update traceability metrics to monitor each requirement. Follow through on the change management procedures outlined in the plan for any change requests. Document and report any compliance issues.

Requirements Management Plan Example

Requirements Management Plan Example

Download Requirement Management Plan Example Template
Microsoft Word | Google Docs

Use this requirements management plan example to get an idea of the data you need for an effective plan. It outlines the format for each activity and provides a framework to organize all necessary documents before presenting it for approval. 

What Is the Requirements Management Process?

A requirements management process includes four major activities: planning, development, verification, and change management. The sub-processes within each activity involve gathering, defining, documenting, and testing. Change management tracks and controls the requirements once implemented.

requirement management process

 Here is more info on each stage of the process:

  • Requirements Planning: The team creates their approach to developing and executing the plan, which is reviewed and approved by stakeholders and sponsors. The team uses the information from this stage as the primary input to all other requirements processes. 
  • Requirements Development: The team takes action on the approved plan by gathering, defining, and analyzing the requirements. 
  • Requirements Verification: The team performs acceptance testing and validation to track and measure how the requirements are satisfied.  
  • Requirement Change Management (RCM): This technique manages the change control system implementation and the changes. It identifies the change control board as the deciding body for procedures and change requests.

Requirements Management Metrics

Requirement management metrics monitor how each requirement adds value. The team internally decides which metrics best monitor the project progress. The metrics ensure the end product satisfies the original vision. 

Here are common metrics that teams use: 

  • Size: Document the number of requirements within a single project. Then compare the actual requirements completed from the estimated between iterations. 
  • Traceability: Link the functional requirements to the product (i.e., between design and code). You should also track the percentage of traced requirements.
  • Quality: Use inspection data to calculate the product’s efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Stability: Track the number of change requests over the number that have been resolved to identify the relative stability of the requirement.
  • Status: Monitor the completion percentage of each requirement. Common statuses are proposed, approved,  implemented, verified, deferred, deleted, or rejected. This metric helps developers and managers communicate, especially for developers working on multiple requirements.
  • Change: Record the number of change requests.

Requirements Management Starter Kit


Requirements Management Templates Collage

Download Requirements Management Starter Kit

Use this starter kit to handle the planning, documentation, analysis, and maintenance needs of requirements management. These essential templates will help you take care of the data and information demands of requirements management and communicate effectively.

In this kit, you’ll find:

Need more templates to boost your requirement management activities? View our extended collection of free, customizable project requirements templates.

Why Is Requirements Management Important?

Requirements management is important because it ensures the end product meets customer needs. Requirements management integrates business goals with the team’s deliverables, and it boosts team productivity by reinforcing strong communication and clear procedures.

For every project, program, or portfolio, stakeholders must agree on what is essential. However, miscommunication is one of the most common influencers of failed projects. Requirements management reduces the risk of project failure by creating a communication channel among stakeholders. This process creates a shared understanding of expectations and general protocols to help the team reach a consensus. 

Additionally, by defining the requirements at the project’s start, the project is less likely to incur cost overruns and mistakes. 

Especially in Agile development methodology, Blokdyk advises, “Have a best practice in place for incorporating requirements management, risk management, system architecture definition, and testing or documentation.”

Benefits of Requirements Management

Requirements management empowers a team to deliver the product and allows stakeholders to express their expectations. It also improves the organization’s strategy and operations to create the most business value and maximizes business value by optimizing limited resources. 

Ultimately, the process structure builds communication within the team and with stakeholders. The design helps the team understand stakeholder needs, envision the final product, organize their efforts, and control the process with fewer unexpected roadblocks. This helps the business in the following ways: 

  • Lowers costs by reducing risks such as reworking, defects, and scope creep
  • Improves quality and stakeholder satisfaction by maximizing time and communication 
  • Delivers the product faster by reducing the time required
  • Avoids work duplication by reusing definitions 
  • Builds a cohesive team by clearly defining roles and responsibilities

Requirements Management Best Practices

Best practices for requirements management include providing upfront communication, clearly defining requirements, and adhering to the requirements management plan. In addition, analysts must work to engage and educate stakeholders and team members. 

In Understanding the Sources of Information Systems Project Failure, John McManus and Trevor Harper-Wood identify poor requirement definition as a leading factor contributing to 35 percent of project failures. In addition to clearly defining your project requirements, adhere to the following best practices: 

  • Proactively communicate and encourage feedback from team members. 
  • Include requirements management throughout the business’s strategic objectives and as a part of operations. 
  • Confirm that all project team members understand the importance of following the RMP and actively managing requirements. 
  • Do not change the baseline requirements once completed without going through a change process and approval. 
  • Have a clear change management plan. 
  • Avoid surprises by planning requirements upfront and communicating roles, timelines, and responsibilities. Make sure your requirements are well defined.  
  • Link each requirement to a test to assess its ongoing performance. 
  • Engage stakeholders and managers in the RM process from the beginning. 
  • Implement the RMP at the project’s start, and refer to it throughout its lifecycle. 
  • Use requirement management software tools to expedite processes, communication roadblocks, and schedules. 

Blokdyk also adds the following best practices:

  • Rate the quality of requirements management at your supplier organization.
  • Ensure that systems engineers do the requirements management work.
  • Keep the tools synchronized when you maintain multiple tools in the same lifecycle domain for requirements management.

What Is Digital Requirements Management?

Digital requirements management refers to a centralized collection platform. It is the hub where the team tracks, analyzes, and manages the requirements online securely. Teams use software to support real-time collaboration.

Digital solutions benefit the company by doing the following:

  • Reusing the same requirement in several locations without redefining it 
  • Working in real time to identify the requirement state, reducing errors
  • Sharing information between documents within the system 
  • Collaborating live from any location 
  • Automatically recording each requirement’s history 
  • Tracking the time, date, and user for each change 
  • Building a database of history for audits 
  • Organizing data according to the team’s communication style 
  • Sorting requirements by categories, such as type, priority, risk, and status 
  • Consistently keeping track of the status

What Is Requirement Lifecycle Management?

Requirement lifecycle management is an official knowledge area in the BABOK®.  It describes the tasks a business analyst performs to manage and maintain requirements, including tracing, maintaining, prioritizing, assessing changes, and approving the requirements from start to finish. 

A business analyst (BA) leads an Agile project management process, documenting artifacts and advancing each stage. The BA is responsible for creating an environment that encourages analysis from all teams, as well as aligning the stakeholders, design team, and management to the requirement’s business objectives. 

requirement lifecycle management


The input categories in requirements lifecycle management are requirements, designs, and proposed changes. The analyst conducts the following five activities for these inputs:

  • Trace Requirements: The analyst creates traces between the design and requirements, then determines which requirements are relevant to the design initiative and sets up how they will be evaluated.  
  • Maintain Requirements: The analyst supports the requirement’s accuracy and consistency throughout the process, as well as examines and facilitates the requirements reuse.
  • Prioritize Requirements: Next, assess the business value and risk, and then rank the requirements in order of urgency in the context of each initiative. 
  • Assess Requirements Change: Review newly suggested requirements or changes to existing ones to determine if they are essential to the project. 
  • Approve Requirements: The analyst communicates with stakeholders and prepares requirements for approval.  

Once completed, the analyst will have the following outputs: 

  • Completed requirements from the task cycle 
  • Completed designs from the task cycle
  • Design and requirement change assessments

Enterprise Requirements Management

Large corporations use enterprise requirements management to organize projects between hundreds of employees. Companies this size must use RM software and modeling tools. These tools help cross-functional teams trace, develop, and execute the RMP in real time. 

An enterprise requires an architecture, or structured framework, for a team to manage the dynamic requirement changes. They have the resources and budget to implement top-level management software. Typically, the enterprise has a business architect who develops the company’s model and maintains the software. This digital platform helps business teams maintain momentum in recording and tracing data. Plus, it supports the team’s communication, agility, and momentum in a fast-paced environment.

Enterprise Requirements Management

The future of requirements management revolves around improving and enhancing current practices. Companies will increasingly adopt automation tools to optimize their processes and systems as technology advances. As a result, artificial intelligence (AI) will be a major player.

Companies continuously seek to improve their systems and processes, and requirements management is no different. Generally, companies look to advance the requirements data management through the following activities: 

  • Consolidating requirements and models 
  • Automating processes
  • Reducing requirements
  • Aligning current and future IT initiatives
  • Updating RM platforms
  • Integrating advanced remote work procedures
  • Evaluating new technology
  • Developing future-oriented IT architecture strategies

 As Blokdyk recommends, “Safeguard that your strategy is collaborating with your engineering and product peers to analyze enterprise business context (business strategy and trends), as well as change requirements in other enterprise architecture viewpoints to derive the technology architecture future state.” 

Forward-looking businesses are also experimenting with AI to enhance their existing data management systems. 

Kavita Ganesan


Kavita Ganesan, the Founder of Opinosis Analytics and author of The Business Case for AI: A Leader's Guide to AI Strategies, Best Practices & Real-World Applications, sees the use case for AI to prioritize and structure the data, particularly text data. 

“Specifically, with the use of Natural Language Processing, a branch of study within AI, you can extract the most common set of requirements from all requirements and problems submitted,” she says. “You can then organize these requirements by type (e.g., user interface, speed, display, etc.) and summarize the requirements so that it becomes easy for teams to plan around those requirements.”

In the future, she notes that AI can align the requirements with the company’s product visions and augment the requirements gathering process with real-time requirements input analysis. But it requires the correct data, specifically historical data, to make AI-powered solutions possible.

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