Free Small Business Organizational Chart Templates

By Kate Eby | March 9, 2022

This article features a collection of organization chart templates that department heads and HR pros can use for listing organizational structures. You’ll find organization charts that meet the needs of a variety of business scenarios. 

Included on this page, you’ll find templates for a simple small business organizational chart and matrix. You can also download a presentation version of a sample small business organizational chart template and a basic horizontal organizational chart for sharing the chart with a larger group.

Simple Small Business Organizational Chart Template

Simple Small Business Organizational Chart Template

Download Simple Small Business Organizational Chart Template
Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word | Microsoft PowerPoint | Google Slides | Google Sheets

Use this simple small business organizational chart template to identify and detail your business's personnel structure. Space for names and titles enables you to diagram reporting relationships for divisions, departments, and teams to see who reports up the chain to whom. Highlighting the reporting structure in this manner makes this organizational chart template ideal for presentations, planning, and personnel directories. 

Find tips for creating an organizational chart in Word when mapping the employee structure of your small business.

Small Business Organizational Chart with Pictures Template

Small Business Organizational Chart with Pictures Template

Download Small Business Organizational Chart with Pictures Template
Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word | Microsoft PowerPoint | Google Slides

Putting a face to a name helps your employees communicate and assume responsibilities more efficiently and effectively. Use this small business organizational chart with pictures template to help employees learn more about their division, department, or team structure. This customizable template allows you to add profile pictures to names and titles to promote familiarity and clarity for reporting.

Basic Small Business Horizontal Organizational Chart Template

Basic Small Business Horizontal Organizational Chart Template

Download Basic Small Business Horizontal Organizational Chart Template
Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word | Microsoft PowerPoint

Use this basic small business horizontal organizational chart template to map the workflow with fewer levels in your business's hierarchy. This template maximizes space and identifies areas that need improvement along your organization's linear process. Copy-and-paste the color-coded blank icons to add names and titles for a complete employee listing in this basic organizational chart template. 

Use any of these free organizational chart templates in Excel to highlight your employee roles and their reporting relationships to management.

Small Business Horizontal Organizational Chart with Pictures Template

Small Business Horizontal Organizational Chart with Pictures Template

Download Small Business Horizontal Organizational Chart with Pictures Template
Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word | Microsoft PowerPoint

With fewer middle management levels, a small business horizontal organizational chart displays your structure without wasting space. Use this template to add images of executives and staff to their names and titles so that it’s easier to identify people during presentations, planning, and directories. Add pictures, names, and titles by copying and pasting the color-coded icons to illustrate your organization better.

Small Business Matrix Organizational Chart Template

Small Business Matrix Organizational Chart Template

Download Small Business Matrix Organizational Chart Template
Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word | Microsoft PowerPoint

With shifting reporting relationships in a matrix structure, this small business matrix organizational chart template easily tracks multiple reporting structures. Use this template to illustrate and simplify complex systems where people report to more than one manager and multifunctional work occurs. Track team members as they move between projects and reporting responsibilities.

Sample Small Business Organizational Chart Template

Sample Small Business Organizational Chart Template

Download Sample Small Business Organizational Chart Template
Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word | Microsoft PowerPoint

Use this sample small business organizational chart template to replace the sample information with your organization's names and titles. You can add profile pictures and additional blank icons to illustrate your small business's organizational structure. This customizable template is ideal for charting your executive, division, department, and team structures for your small business's directory, planning, or presentation.

Small Business Partnership Organizational Chart Template

Small Business Partnership Organizational Chart Template

Download Small Business Partnership Organizational Chart Template
Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word | Microsoft PowerPoint

This small business partnership organizational chart template allows you to illustrate reporting relationships and responsibilities in a business partnership structure. Use this template to copy and paste blank icons to add a partner name and title atop your small business hierarchy. This organizational chart template keeps partners aware of their roles and responsibilities, which helps promote seamless collaboration.

What Is a Small Business Organizational Chart?

A small business organizational chart is a visualization of a business's structure. It charts a small business's hierarchy and illustrates employee reporting relationships to determine work responsibilities. A small business organizational chart lists employee and management names and titles. 

New employees can use small business organizational charts to learn who reports to whom in their department, making onboarding easier. Employees of all tenures can use organizational charts to familiarize themselves with the names and titles of coworkers and executives. Managers can use these charts to define how employees function within a small business. The utility of an organizational chart goes beyond illustrating reporting structure. Organizational charts can also be helpful in the following ways:

  • Managers use organizational charts to strategize growth and assign new projects across departments.
  • Small business executives use organizational charts to plan and evaluate restructuring.
  • Small business organizational charts allow managers to track workloads to identify workplace inefficiencies.

Most small business organizational charts are pyramid-shaped and best read from top to bottom, with the highest-ranking employees listed at the top. Rows represent management levels, so organizational charts widen at the small business's lower employee levels. Lines connect chart shapes to represent reporting relationships.

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