Free Stakeholder Mapping Templates

By Kate Eby | October 17, 2022

We’ve compiled the most helpful free stakeholder mapping templates for companies and organizations of all sizes, as well as project managers, project influencers, project team members, project sponsors, and other stakeholders.

Included on this page, you’ll find a basic stakeholder mapping template, a stakeholder influence map template, a stakeholder engagement map template, and a stakeholder heat map template. Plus, find helpful tips for using these stakeholder mapping templates.

Basic Stakeholder Mapping Template

Basic Stakeholder Map Template

Download a Basic Stakeholder Map Template for 
Excel  |  Microsoft Word  |  PowerPoint  |  Adobe PDF  

Use this easy-to-fill basic stakeholder map template to gauge each stakeholder’s degree of influence, interest, and impact on your project, product, or strategy. This editable and printable template enables you to create a simple visual representation of hierarchies. By doing so, you can identify whose interest and influence is high, low, or somewhere in between, as well as what course of action to take. This way, you’ll have the buy-in you need to ensure that your project is successful. 

Check out this article on effective stakeholder analysis and mapping to ensure that you and your team are performing stakeholder analysis effectively.

Stakeholder Influence Map Template

Stakeholder Influence Map Template

Download a Sample Stakeholder Influence Map Template for
Microsoft Word  |  PowerPoint  | Google Docs | Google Slides

Download a Blank Stakeholder Influence Map Template for
Microsoft Word  |  PowerPoint  | Google Docs | Google Slides 

Approach your project or product development strategically and meet and exceed your goals  with this visually dynamic stakeholder influence map template. Use this editable template to map each key influencer’s degree of control or sway over your project. With that information in place, you can quickly determine who might need additional data, a proof of concept (POC), or more frequent communication around the project. The template is available with sample roles reflecting influence hierarchy. Download the blank template to start mapping your stakeholders on your own.  

For information on how to effectively manage your stakeholders, read this definitive guide to stakeholder management.

Stakeholder Mapping Presentation Template

Stakeholder Mapping Presentation Template

Download a Stakeholder Mapping Presentation Template for 
PowerPoint  | Google Slides

Capture, monitor, and exhibit every key player’s degree of enthusiasm for and influence on your project with this stakeholder mapping presentation template. Enter each stakeholder’s degree of interest and influence. Next, determine who needs to be kept completely informed, whose expectations need to be managed most, and who is satisfied with the proposed project or its progress. This template is the perfect tool to keep team members and project sponsors apprised of key players’ varying levels of confidence and potential investment in your project. 

Check out this comprehensive article on how to create stakeholder management and communication plans for more helpful information on effective stakeholder mapping.

Stakeholder Engagement Map Template

Stakeholder Engagement Map Template

Download a Stakeholder Engagement Map Template for 
Excel  | Google Sheets 

This stakeholder engagement map template is the perfect tool for capturing details around stakeholder interest in and influence over your project. Use this customizable template to enter each stakeholder name or group, role, predisposition, anticipated involvement, anticipated issues, motivation or drivers, and more. Boost your chances of greenlighting and successfully completing your project by mapping your stakeholders’ levels of engagement with this template.

Project Stakeholder Map Template

Project Stakeholder Map Template

Download a Project Stakeholder Map Template for 
Microsoft Word  |  PowerPoint  | Google Slides 

Track stakeholder interest and sway with this visually engaging project stakeholder map template. This free template is perfect for project managers, project team members, and project sponsors alike. Keep a record of all key influencers, such as customers, SMEs, executives, internal users, developers, and system administrators. Next, use the dynamic template to track their range of power and interest so that you and your team can identify how they might impact your project.

Stakeholder Heat Map Template

Stakeholder Heat Map Template

Download a Stakeholder Heat Map Template for
Microsoft Word  |  PowerPoint

This free stakeholder heat map template serves as a comprehensive tool for project managers looking to track stakeholder impact and influence on their next project. The color-coded heat map also includes space where you can list what is important to the stakeholder, what they could contribute to the project, and how they could be more engaged. This presentation-ready template is the perfect fit for teams that need to easily identify stakeholders’ influence and varying degrees of enthusiasm and sponsorship. 

To ensure that you conduct a comprehensive stakeholder analysis, see this collection of free stakeholder analysis templates.

What Is a Stakeholder Mapping Template?

A stakeholder mapping template is a tool for gauging and recording stakeholder influence and interest. Use a stakeholder mapping template to measure each stakeholder’s sway and enthusiasm, and to decide what actions will ensure their buy-in.

A stakeholder mapping template is a visual representation of a stakeholder analysis that helps a team identify each stakeholder’s degree of interest and influence over planned or in-progress projects. Stakeholder analysis provides in-depth investigation into each stakeholder’s role, predisposition, anticipated involvement, anticipated issues, motivation or drivers, and expectations. 

Stakeholder mapping provides a team with an easy-to-read, visual model of key influencers’ power over and interest in a project. While stakeholder analysis templates and stakeholder mapping templates may share similar data, maps are primarily a visual representation.

A stakeholder mapping template can help companies and organizations of all sizes gauge project or product viability. By providing a visual depiction of your stakeholder interest and influence levels, all team members can gain a better understanding of the circle of influence and the hierarchies within an organization. These templates can also help clarify the feasibility of a project, product, or service, depending on key stakeholder sponsorship.

Keep Stakeholders Involved with Real-Time Work Management in Smartsheet

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The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time. Try Smartsheet for free, today.



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